Financial Adviser (FA): Licence Application
Admission criteria for financial adviser's (FA) licence
last revised on 31 March 2020
When assessing an application for an FA licence, MAS takes into account factors such as:
- Fitness and propriety of the applicant, its shareholders and directors.
- Track record, management expertise and financial soundness of the applicant and its parent company or major shareholders.
- Ability to meet the minimum financial requirements and professional indemnity insurance requirements prescribed under the FAA.
- Strength of internal compliance systems.
- Business plans and projections.
Your company will also need to appoint the following individuals:
- Minimum of 2 directors, at least one of whom is resident in Singapore.
- Chief Executive Officer with at least 10 years of relevant experience, of which at least 5 years must have been in a managerial capacity and is resident in Singapore.
- Minimum of 3 full-time Singapore-based individuals with at least 5 years of relevant working experience.
You can refer to the Guidelines on Criteria for the Grant of a Financial Adviser’s Licence for more information.