Overview of HR

Hours of Work

Hours of Work

Contractual working hours are the hours that you and your employer have agreed to in the contract of service. For common work arrangements, your contractual hours of work are as follows:

If you work Your contractual hours of work are
5 days or less a week Up to 9 hours per day or 44 hours a week
More than 5 days a week Up to 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week


For other work arrangements, your contractual hours of work are as follows:

If you work Your contractual hours of work are
Less than 44 hours every alternate week Up to 48 hours a week, but capped at 88 hours in any continuous 2-week period.

If week 1 = 40 hours; week 2 = 48 hours; week 3 = 40 hours:
Average for weeks 1 and 2 = 44 hours
Average for weeks 2 and 3 = 44 hours
Shifts of up to 12 hours a day Up to an average of 44 hours over a continuous 3-week period.

If week 1 = 40 hours; week 2 = 44 hours; week 3 = 48 hours; week 4 = 40 hours:
Average for weeks 1, 2 and 3 = 44 hours
Average for weeks 2, 3 and 4 = 44 hours