Nature of Variable Capital Companies (VCCs)

How to set up a VCC?

The setting up process is straightforward and can be done via the ACRA website. The following information is required to set up a VCC:

  1. VCC name- Choose and register a VCC name
  2. the type of VCC to be set-up – VCC can be set up as a single standalone fund or an umbrella fund with two or more sub-funds, each holding a portfolio of segregated assets and liabilities
  3. Details of directors, company secretary, auditor, fund manager and other key persons
  4. registered office address
  5. Constitution of the VCC
  6. Last day of the first financial year of the Proposed VCC
  7. Payment of prescribed fee

Usually, your advisors including lawyers, corporate secretary, fund administrator, accountants would be able to advise you.